How to Help a Dog with Separation Anxiety: Full Guide and Best Products

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for a reason. They are loyal, loving, and always happy to see their owners come home. However, for some dogs, separation anxiety can be a real problem. If your dog becomes anxious or stressed when you leave them alone, there are ways that you can help them. 

In this article, we will discuss the causes of separation anxiety in dogs and provide a full guide on how to help them overcome it. We will also recommend some of the best products available to help reduce your dog’s anxiety levels.

Best Supplements to Help a Dog with Separation Anxiety 

  1. Pupper Membrane Calming Supplement 

  2. Penguin Dog CBD Oil

  3. Verma Farms CBD Dog Treats

  4. cbdMD Hard Chews

  5. Holistapet CBD Soft Chews

  6. Pet Hemp Company CBD Stress + Relax Dog Treats

What causes dogs to have separation anxiety?

There are numerous factors that could contribute to a dog developing separation anxiety. It could be due to a change in the family’s daily routine, such as a new baby or pet, or even something as seemingly minor as a change in the furniture arrangement. 

Separation anxiety can also be triggered by changes in the environment, such as a move to a new house or apartment. In some cases, it may be the result of a traumatic event, such as being abandoned or rehomed.

Why does my dog have separation anxiety?

The root of most separation anxiety cases is fear. Fear of abandonment, fear of being left alone, fear of loud noises, whatever the case may be, it all leads back to fear. This can be caused by many things such as a traumatic event or change in routine. 

It could also be due to genetics: some dogs are just more prone to separation anxiety than others. If you got your dog from a shelter, there’s a chance that they may have experienced some form of abuse or neglect in their previous home which could also be a contributing factor.

How do I know if my dog has separation anxiety?

There are many signs that your dog may exhibit if they are suffering from separation anxiety. The most common ones are listed below:

  • Excessive barking or howling when you leave the house

  • Pacing back and forth or circling

  • Following you from room to room whenever you’re home

  • Refusing to eat or drink when you’re not around

  • Destructive behaviors like chewing, digging or scratching

  • Eliminating indoors even if they’re house-trainedExcessive drooling or pantingTrembling or shaking

  • Attempting to escape from the house or yard

What are the three stages of separation anxiety?

The three stages of separation anxiety are:

Stage One

Pre-separation anxiety. This stage occurs when your dog starts to become anxious about you leaving them alone. They may start to follow you around the house, cling to you when you’re getting ready to leave, or have difficulty settling down when they’re alone.

Stage Two

Separation anxiety. This stage occurs when you actually leave your dog alone. They may bark, howl, destroy furniture, or have accidents in the house.

Stage Three

Post-separation anxiety. This stage occurs when you return home and your dog is anxious about being separated from you again. They may follow you around the house, cling to you, or have difficulty settling down.

What are some ingredients to look for a supplement for a dog with separation anxiety?

Some ingredients to look for in a supplement for a dog with separation anxiety are:

  • Amino acids such as L-theanine or L-tryptophan

  • Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, or passionflower

  • Omega-3 fatty acids

What type of training can help a dog with separation anxiety?

Some types of training that can help a dog with separation anxiety are:

  • Desensitization training. This type of training helps your dog to slowly get used to being away from you.

  • Counterconditioning training. This type of training helps your dog to associate being away from you with something positive, such as getting a treat.

  • Behavior modification training. This type of training helps your dog to learn new, positive behaviors that can help to reduce their anxiety.

What can I do to help my dog with separation anxiety?

There are many things you can do to help your dog with separation anxiety. The most important thing is to be patient and understanding- your dog is not doing this on purpose, they are simply afraid.

Below are some tips that may help:

Establish a Routine

Dogs thrive on routine. Having set times for meals, walks, and playtime will help them feel more secure and less anxious.

Create a Safe Space

Give your dog a special place to go to when you leave the house. This could be a crate, bed, or simply a spot in the corner of the room. Make sure this space is comfortable and inviting- fill it with their favorite toys, blanket, and treats.

Leave Them Something Comforting

Whenever you leave the house, make sure to leave your dog with something that smells like you. This could be an article of clothing or a pillowcase.

Start Small

If your dog is having a lot of trouble when you leave them alone, start by leaving them for short periods of time and gradually increase the amount of time as they get more comfortable.

Get Some Exercise

A tired dog is a happy dog. Make sure to give your dog plenty of exercise before you leave so they’re nice and tired when you go.

These are just some of the things you can do to help your dog with separation anxiety. If you think your dog may be suffering from this, it’s important to talk to your veterinarian so they can help you create a plan that’s right for your dog.

How do I get my dog used to being alone?

The first step is to gradually get your dog used to being alone. Start by leaving them for a few minutes at a time, and gradually increase the amount of time you’re away. You can also try leaving them in a different room, or with a toy or treat. 

If your dog becomes anxious or restless when you’re away, try calming them down with some positive reinforcement, such as voice praise or treats. You can also try using an anxiety vest or jacket to help soothe them.

What are some of the best products to help with separation anxiety?

There are a number of different products that can help with separation anxiety, including:

If you’re not sure which product is right for your dog, consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist. They can help you find the best solution for your pet’s needs.

How can an animal behaviorist help a dog with separation anxiety?

An animal behaviorist can help you identify the root cause of your dog’s separation anxiety, and create a treatment plan to address it. They can also teach you how to effectively manage your dog’s anxiety and provide support during the treatment process.

If you think your dog may have separation anxiety, consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for diagnosis and treatment. With the right help, your dog can overcome their anxiety and live a happy, healthy life.

How do anxiety vests work for a dog with separation anxiety?

Anxiety vests work by applying gentle, constant pressure to a dog’s torso. This has a calming effect on the nervous system, which can help reduce anxiety and stress. The vests are usually made of lightweight fabric with adjustable straps, and they can be easily put on and taken off.

There are a few different types of anxiety vests on the market, and it’s important to choose one that’s comfortable for your dog to wear. If you’re not sure which vest is right for your dog, ask your vet or a qualified animal behaviorist for help.

Once you’ve chosen an anxiety vest, you’ll need to train your dog to wearing it. Start by putting the vest on your dog for short periods of time, gradually increasing the amount of time he or she wears it. It’s important to make sure that your dog is comfortable and not feeling restricted in any way.

If you’re using an anxiety vest to help with separation anxiety, you’ll also need to work on training your dog to be comfortable alone. This can be done by gradually increasing the amount of time you’re away from your dog, starting with just a few minutes at a time.

Can dogs be left alone for 8 hours?

This is a common question that dog owners ask, particularly those who work long hours or have to leave their furry friend home alone for extended periods of time. The answer is yes, dogs can be left alone for eight hours—and even longer in some cases. However, it’s important to make sure that your dog has everything he needs to be comfortable while you’re away, including food, water, a comfy bed, and plenty of toys to keep him entertained.

There are also a number of products on the market that can help ease your dog’s separation anxiety, such as puzzle toys that dispense treats or calming music specifically designed for dogs. If your dog is particularly anxious, you may also want to consult with your veterinarian about anti-anxiety medication.

How long will a dog cry when left alone?

This is one of the most common questions we get asked, and unfortunately, there is no easy answer. It depends on the dog’s individual personality and level of anxiety. Some dogs will cry for a few minutes while others may bark or howl for hours on end. 

If your dog is displaying any type of destructive behavior (chewing, digging, scratching, etc.), this is a sign that they are not coping well with being left alone. If your dog is excessively barking or howling, this can be extremely disruptive to your neighbors and may result in a noise complaint.

If your dog is experiencing any of these behaviors, it is important to seek professional help from a certified animal behaviorist or trainer. 

Can I give my dog anything for separation anxiety?

There are a few things you can give your dog to help with separation anxiety. The most common are anti-anxiety medications, such as benzodiazepines or SSRIs. These can be prescribed by your veterinarian and may need to be given on a daily basis.

Other options include natural supplements such as CBD oil or calming herbs such as chamomile or lavender. These can be given on an as-needed basis and may be helpful in milder cases of separation anxiety.

How does CBD oil help a dog with separation anxiety?

CBD oil works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating mood and anxiety. CBD oil can help to reduce anxiety by reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation.

How long does it take for CBD oil to work for separation anxiety?

CBD oil typically begins to work within an hour, but it may take longer in some cases. If you don’t see any improvement after a few hours, it’s possible that your dog may not be responsive to CBD oil and you should consult your veterinarian.

Why does exercise help calm down an anxious dog?

Exercise is a great way to release pent-up energy and calm an anxious dog. It tires them out both mentally and physically, which can help reduce their anxiety. A tired dog is a relaxed dog, after all.

You don’t have to go on long hikes or runs to tire out your pup – even a short walk around the block can help. If your dog is particularly anxious, try some calming exercises like yoga or swimming.

How to Choose the Best Products for Dog with Separation Anxiety

It’s important to choose the right products for your dog with separation anxiety. There are a lot of products on the market, and it can be overwhelming to try to figure out which ones are the best. 

Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re choosing products for your dog with separation anxiety:

  • Make sure the product is specifically designed for dogs with separation anxiety.There are a lot of products on the market that are designed to help dogs with other issues, such as barking or chewing. But these products won’t necessarily help your dog with separation anxiety. 

  • Look for products that have been recommended by a veterinarian or animal behaviorist. These experts can help you figure out which products are most likely to be effective for your dog. 

  • Once you’ve narrowed down your options, read reviews of the products to see what other dog owners have to say about them. 

Keep these things in mind and you’ll be sure to find the best products for your dog with separation anxiety.

Best Products That Help a Dog With Separation Anxiety 

Below are some products that may help your dog with separation anxiety. As always, be sure to speak with your veterinarian before starting any new treatment regimen.

Image courtesy Pupper

This approach is meant to help dogs while on the road, during storms, fireworks, separation, and various occurrences. To calm anxious canines, organic and natural plants including chamomile and passion flower are utilized. This is an excellent method to unwind your dog.

The fight, flight, or freeze reaction is a critical and life-sustaining defensive reaction that kicks in in the face of true threat. When the response is triggered in preparation for something that might not cause actual damage. This soothing chew is constructed of all-natural elements that aim to soothe your dog and relax him.

The complex’s proprietary mix is designed to give optimum impact and absorption. These products are subjected to third-party testing for purity and quality.

Image courtesy Penguin CBD 

CBD oil is here to help your furry friend with separation anxiety! Unlike other products on the market, this natural CBD oil doesn’t include any THC and it’s made in the United States. Plus, it’s GMO-free. Give your dog some of this oil to help them relax and feel more comfortable.

Giving CBD oil to your beloved pet is one of the most effective strategies to help it live its best life. Giving CBD oils, which are exclusively developed for pets and are among the greatest methods to offer your beloved dog with the CBD it requires to live a happy and healthy existence, is one of the finest things you can do for it. 

These CBD supplements, which are produced from all-natural, carefully cultivated industrial hemp grown without pesticides or herbicides, are guaranteed to be loved by your dog.

CBD oil, produced and refined in Oregon to the highest standards, is a strong and efficient nutritional supplement that can aid with arthritic pain, anxiety, and inflammation. This chicken-flavored CBD oil for dogs is derived from a broad-spectrum extract for quality assurance.

Recently, there have been a lot of false beliefs and misinformation circulating about cannabidiol (CBD). People may think it comes from the same plant as THC because they are both derivatives of the Cannabis Sativa plant. However, these two chemical elements could not be more different.

CBD does not get you high like THC because it works with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which specifically processes CBD.

3.     Verma Farms CBD Dog Treats

Image courtesy Verma Farms 

If you’re vegan, or just want to feed your dog healthy and natural treats, Verma Farms is a great company to check out. Their CBD dog treat ingredients are all GMO-free and THC-free. The company also promises that their treats can help ease pain and inflammation, as well being helpful for dogs with anxiety disorders.

4.     cbdMD Hard Chews 

Image courtesy cbdMD

The cbdMD hard chews are meant to aid dogs with anxiety, joint discomfort, and other issues. They’re produced in the United States and contain natural components that aren’t genetically modified, gluten-free, or THC-free.

CBD-infused dog biscuits are available in three flavor varieties: Peanut Butter & Honey, Bacon & Cheese, and Beef & Liver. Anxiety in dogs has been shown to be helped by CBD. CBD oil was found to significantly reduce anxiety and improve behavior in dogs with separation anxiety in a study published Frontiers of Veterinary Science.

CBD chews are a fantastic way to help your beloved pup feel better, without any harsh chemicals.

5.     Holistapet CBD Soft Chews

Image courtesy Holistapet

These CBD soft chewables are designed to relax your dog by dampening overactive nerves and controlling mood with HEMP, L-tryptophan, phosphatidylcholine, and chamomile.

Hemp seeds are tiny and light, which makes them ideal for dogs with sensitive stomachs or those recovering from illness. They’re high in nutrients including proteins, fats, and antioxidants that help to maintain your dog’s brain functioning properly. They also contain hemp, which has been found to help decrease anxiety and improve behavior in dogs.

CBD soft chews are perfect if you’re looking for a natural way to help your dog relax.

6.     Pet Hemp Company CBD Stress + Relax Dog Treats

Image courtesy Pet Hemp 

Pet Hemp Company’s CBD Dog Treats are meant to relax your dog and reduce tension. They’re made with natural ingredients, aren’t GMO or gluten-free, and don’t contain THC. The company claims that their goodies can help with a variety of issues, including separation anxiety and noise phobias.

A study published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science found that CBD oil was able to significantly reduce anxiety and improve behavior in dogs with separation anxiety, proving CBD’s effectiveness in reducing anxiety.

If you want your dog to feel better without resorting to medication, CBD-based products are a great solution. You can find CBD for dogs in many different forms, like treats, oils, and chews. However, not all products are created equal. Make sure you choose a quality product that has been third-party lab tested. For the best results, look for an all-natural product made in the USA.


Author: showrunner