25 Signs of Low Testosterone Symptoms

Are you feeling tired and run down? Are your muscles weaker than they used to be? You may be suffering from low testosterone. This is a common problem in men, and can have a serious impact on your quality of life. 

In this article, we will discuss the 25 signs of low testosterone symptoms. If you are experiencing any of these problems, it is important to see a doctor and get treatment.

Recommended Testosterone Support Products: 

  1. Elm & Rye Testosterone Support 

  2. TestoPrime

  3. Testogen 

  4. Testo-Max

  5. Prime Male

What causes low testosterone in men? 

There are many possible causes of low testosterone in men. These include:


Aging can decrease testosterone in men for a few reasons. One reason is that the testicles may not make as much testosterone as they used to. Another reason is that the body may not use testosterone as well as it used to.


Men who are obese tend to have lower levels of testosterone than those who are not. This may be because obesity can cause inflammation in the body, which can interfere with testosterone production.


Studies have shown that men with diabetes tend to have lower levels of testosterone. This may be because high blood sugar levels can damage the testicles, which can lead to decreased testosterone production.

Hormonal conditions

Certain hormonal conditions, such as hypogonadism or Klinefelter syndrome, can cause low testosterone levels.

Testicular injuries

Injuries to the testicles can cause low testosterone levels. This may be because the injury can damage the testicles, which can lead to decreased testosterone production.

Cancer treatments

Certain cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy, can cause low testosterone levels. This may be because these treatments can damage the testicles, which can lead to decreased testosterone production.

Pituitary gland disorders

Disorders of the pituitary gland can cause low testosterone levels. This may be because the pituitary gland is responsible for producing a hormone that stimulates testosterone production.


Certain medications, such as glucocorticoids or opiates, can cause low testosterone levels. This may be because these medications can interfere with testosterone production.


Stress can cause low testosterone levels. This may be because stress can interfere with the body’s ability to produce testosterone.

Does low testosterone happen over time or all at once? 

Low testosterone levels can happen gradually over time or they can happen suddenly. The most common symptom of low testosterone is a decrease in libido, but other symptoms may include: fatigue, depression, irritability, decreased muscle mass and strength, increased body fat, osteoporosis, and decreased bone density. 

Is it possible to reverse the signs of low testosterone symptoms? 

Yes, it is possible to improve your testosterone levels through lifestyle changes and supplementation. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of low testosterone, please consult with your doctor to see if testosterone replacement therapy is right for you.

What are the symptoms of low testosterone in men? 

The symptoms of low testosterone in men can vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition. However, common symptoms of low testosterone include:

1.     Low Sex Drive 

The hormone produced by the testicles is testosterone. That means that this hormone will impact your sexual development, sperm production, and sex drive. Most men who experience low testosterone first witness the decline in sexual desire. 

Since most men experience a reduction in testosterone production with age, you’ll often see men over the age of 45 experiencing this low testosterone symptom. 

2.     Erectile Dysfunction

Your testosterone in the body will tell the receptors of your brain to produce nitric oxide which helps create the chemical reactions required for erections. This means that one of the low testosterone symptoms includes having difficulty with erections. 

Another problem with erectile dysfunction is that you may have spontaneous erections during sleep or before sex rather than having an erection when you desire to have sexual relations with your partner. This can wreak havoc on your sex life and relationship. 

3.     Depression

Low testosterone can lead to depression in men. Symptoms of depression may include feeling sad or hopeless, losing interest in activities you once enjoyed, having problems concentrating, feeling tired all the time, and experiencing changes in your weight or appetite. 

4.     Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are a common symptom of low testosterone in men. Hot flashes may cause you to feel flushed or sweaty, and your skin may feel hot to the touch. You may also experience chills, nausea, or dizziness along with your hot flash. 

5.     Hair Loss

Hair loss is another common symptom of low testosterone. You may notice that your hair is thinning, or that you are losing hair in patches. Testosterone plays a role in hair growth, so when levels are low, hair loss can occur. 

6.     Fatigue 

Fatigue is a common symptom of low testosterone. You may feel tired all the time, even after a full night’s sleep. Low testosterone can also cause you to lose energy and motivation. 

7.     Decreased Muscle Mass 

Low testosterone can lead to a decrease in muscle mass. You may notice that your muscles are smaller and weaker than they used to be. Testosterone plays a role in muscle growth, so when levels are low, muscle mass can decrease. 

8.     Increased Body Fat 

Low testosterone can cause an increase in body fat. You may notice that you are gaining weight, particularly around your waist. Testosterone plays a role in regulating metabolism, so when levels are low, body fat can increase. 

9.     Decreased Bone Mass 

Low testosterone can lead to a decrease in bone mass. You may notice that your bones are thinner and more fragile than they used to be. Testosterone plays a role in bone growth, so when levels are low, bone mass can decrease. 

10.  Mood Changes 

Low testosterone can cause mood changes. You may notice that you are more irritable, or that you have a shorter temper than you used to. You may also feel anxious, depressed, or stressed. Testosterone plays a role in regulating mood, so when levels are low, mood changes can occur. 

11.  Loss of Memory 

Low testosterone can cause memory loss. You may notice that you are forgetting things more often, or that it is harder to concentrate. Testosterone plays a role in brain function, so when levels are low, memory loss can occur. 

12.  Low Blood Counts

Low testosterone can cause low blood counts. You may notice that you are bruising or bleeding more easily than usual. Testosterone plays a role in the production of red blood cells, so when levels are low, blood counts can be low.

13.  Changes in Testes

Low testosterone can cause changes in the testes. You may notice that they are smaller than they used to be, or that they have lost some of their firmness. Testosterone plays a role in the production of sperm, so when levels are low, changes in the testes can occur. 

14.  Insomnia

Low testosterone can cause insomnia. You may find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Testosterone plays a role in regulating sleep, so when levels are low, insomnia can occur. 

15.  Lack of Motivation

Low testosterone can cause a lack of motivation. You may find that you don’t have the same drive or ambition as you used to. Testosterone plays a role in regulating motivation, so when levels are low, motivation can decrease. 

16.  Difficulty With Concentration 

Low testosterone can cause difficulty with concentration. You may find that you are easily distracted or that it is harder to focus on tasks. Testosterone plays a role in brain function, so when levels are low, concentration can be affected.

17.  Feeling Weak 

Low testosterone can cause feeling weak. You may find that you don’t have the same strength or energy as you used to. Testosterone plays a role in muscle function, so when levels are low, feeling weak can occur. 

18.  Lazier Than Normal

If you are feeling lazier than normal, it could be a sign of low testosterone. You may find that you don’t want to do things that you used to enjoy or that you have less energy for activities. Testosterone plays a role in regulating motivation, so when levels are low, laziness can occur. 

19.  Lack of Interest in Regular Activities

Low testosterone can cause a lack of interest in regular activities. You may find that you don’t want to do things that you used to enjoy or that you have less energy for activities. Testosterone plays a role in regulating motivation, so when levels are low, lack of interest can occur. 

20.  Mineral and Vitamin Deficiencies

Low testosterone can cause mineral and vitamin deficiencies. You may notice that you are lacking in energy or that you are not getting the nutrients that you need from your diet. Testosterone plays a role in the absorption of minerals and vitamins, so when levels are low, deficiencies can occur. 

21.  Increased Risk of Heart Disease

Low testosterone can increase the risk of heart disease. Testosterone plays a role in the regulation of cholesterol, so when levels are low, the risk of heart disease can increase. 

22.  Increased Risk of Diabetes

Low testosterone can increase the risk of diabetes. Testosterone plays a role in the regulation of blood sugar, so when levels are low, the risk of diabetes can increase. 

23.  Difficulty with Losing Weight

Low testosterone can cause difficulty with losing weight. You may find that you are unable to lose weight even when you are eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Testosterone plays a role in the regulation of metabolism, so when levels are low, weight loss can be difficult. 

24.  Unable to Gain Lean Muscle 

Low testosterone can cause difficulty in gaining lean muscle mass. You may find that you are unable to build muscle even when you are working out regularly. Testosterone plays a role in the growth of muscle tissue, so when levels are low, muscle growth can be difficult. 

25.  Possible Infertility 

Low testosterone can cause infertility. Testosterone plays a role in the production of sperm, so when levels are low, fertility can be affected. If you are having difficulty conceiving, it may be a sign of low testosterone. 

These are just some of the signs and symptoms of low testosterone. If you are experiencing any of these, it is important to talk to your doctor. Low testosterone can be a serious condition, so it is important to get treatment if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

How do you feel when your testosterone is low?

If your testosterone is low, you may feel fatigued, have trouble concentrating, and experience a decreased sex drive. You may also notice a decrease in muscle mass and strength and an increase in body fat.

How can I get treated for low testosterone symptoms?

If you think you may have low testosterone, make an appointment to see your doctor. He or she will likely order a blood test and discuss your symptoms with you. Depending on the cause of your low testosterone, there are treatments available that can help increase your levels. 

These include hormone therapy, lifestyle changes, and medication. If you have low testosterone due to an underlying health condition, treating that condition may also help increase your testosterone levels.

Testosterone supplements can help with low testosterone symptoms by increasing your levels of the hormone. This can help you feel more energetic, have an improved sex drive, and regain lost muscle mass. Additionally, testosterone supplements may help improve mood and cognitive function.

If you have low testosterone, there are treatments available that can help. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and options for increasing your testosterone levels. Testosterone supplements may help improve some of the symptoms associated with low testosterone. 

However, these supplements can also have side effects, so it’s important to talk to your doctor before beginning any treatment.

What are the side effects of testosterone support supplements? 

Testosterone support supplements may cause a variety of side effects, including:

While the above symptoms are rare, it’s imperative that we make note of the possibility of any side effects so that you know what you’re getting into. 

Before beginning any treatment for low testosterone, it’s important to talk to your doctor about the potential risks and benefits. Testosterone supplements may help improve some symptoms, but they can also have serious side effects. Be sure to weigh the risks and benefits before starting any treatment.

How to choose the best testosterone support supplement? 

When choosing a testosterone support supplement, it’s important to consider a few factors. First, look for a supplement that contains natural ingredients. Testosterone supplements made with synthetic hormones can cause serious side effects. 

Second, make sure the supplement you choose has been tested by an independent third party. This will ensure that the product is safe and effective. Finally, look for a supplement that comes with a money-back guarantee. This will protect you in case the product doesn’t work as advertised.

When choosing a testosterone support supplement, it’s important to choose one that contains natural ingredients and has been tested by an independent third party. Look for a product that comes with a money-back guarantee to protect yourself in case it doesn’t work as advertised. 

With so many products on the market, it can be hard to know which one to choose. However, if you keep these factors in mind, you can narrow down your options and find the best supplement for you. Testosterone supplements can help improve some of the symptoms associated with low testosterone. 

What happens if low testosterone goes untreated?

If left untreated, low testosterone can lead to a number of health complications. These include:

Low testosterone can also cause a decrease in muscle mass and strength, as well as a decrease in libido. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see your doctor to get your testosterone levels checked. Treatment for low testosterone can range from lifestyle changes to hormone therapy.

If you think you may be suffering from low testosterone, make an appointment with your doctor today.

What does depression from low testosterone in men look like? 

Some signs that a man is depressed from low testosterone levels include feeling sad or hopeless, having little interest in activities once enjoyed, feeling tired or fatigued all the time, experiencing changes in sleeping habits, having a poor appetite and losing weight, feeling irritable or restless, and having thoughts of suicide.

The symptoms of depression in men may vary from man to man. Every human being experiences the signs of low testosterone symptoms differently. However, if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is important to seek medical help. 

Low testosterone levels can have a significant impact on men’s physical and mental health. If you are concerned that you may be suffering from low testosterone, please speak to your doctor.

How can I boost my testosterone fast?

There are a few things you can do to help boost your testosterone levels: 

Exercise Regularly

Exercise helps to increase testosterone levels by stimulating the production of the hormone. 

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is important for overall health and well-being, and it also plays a role in testosterone production. 

Reduce Stress Levels

Chronic stress can lead to a number of health problems, including low testosterone levels. 

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight or obese can lead to low testosterone levels. 

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help to boost testosterone levels. 

How does a doctor test for low testosterone levels? 

There are a few different ways to test for low testosterone levels. The most common way is to measure the level of testosterone in the blood. This can be done with a simple blood test. Other ways to test for low testosterone levels include measuring the level of the hormone in the saliva or urine or doing a skin patch test.

What is normal testosterone by age?

Testosterone levels vary throughout the day and are highest in the morning. They decline throughout adulthood, with an average decline of about one percent per year after age 30. A man’s testosterone level is considered low if it falls below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL).

Are there any foods that can increase testosterone? 

There are a few key nutrients that are essential for maintaining healthy testosterone levels. Zinc, vitamin D, and magnesium are all critical for proper testosterone production. You can find these nutrients in foods like oysters, fortified cereals, and dark leafy greens. 

Additionally, staying away from processed foods and eating a balanced diet will help ensure your body has all the nutrients it needs to produce testosterone. Exercise is also important for maintaining healthy testosterone levels. Strength training in particular has been shown to boost testosterone production. 

What are some other natural ways to increase testosterone? 

In addition to exercise and a healthy diet, there are a few other natural ways to increase testosterone. Getting enough sleep is critical for proper hormone production. Managing stress levels is also important, as high levels of stress can lead to lower testosterone levels. Finally, abstaining from alcohol can help increase testosterone levels. 

Another important factor to consider when looking for natural ways to increase testosterone is to take a natural testosterone support supplement. We’ve taken the time to grab our top favorite testosterone products below so you can pick one that suits your needs today! 

Image courtesy Elm & Rye 

Recommended Testosterone Support Products: 

  1. Elm & Rye Testosterone Support 

  2. TestoPrime

  3. Testogen 

  4. Testo-Max

  5. Prime Male

Final Thoughts

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is important to consult with your doctor. Low testosterone levels can have a significant impact on your quality of life and your overall health. If you think you may be suffering from low testosterone, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about treatment options.

In the meantime, do check your daily routine and feelings to see if you may be experiencing any of the 25 signs of low testosterone symptoms we’ve shared here today. If you are having some of the symptoms rest easier knowing that you can take the recommended testosterone support products we’ve shared today to help you move forward with getting your testosterone levels back to a normal range. 


Author: showrunner