10 Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms to Watch Out For

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Did you know that Vitamin D is essential for human health? It’s true! This vitamin helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D also plays a role in regulating the immune system and preventing inflammation.

A deficiency in this vitamin can cause a variety of health problems. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency that you should watch out for along with avitamin D supplement from Elm & Rye that will help get your vitamin D levels back to normal.

What is Vitamin D Deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency can be due to not getting enough sunlight, having dark skin, or not eating foods that are rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a number of health problems, including bone loss, osteoporosis, and fractures.

Why is Vitamin D so important?

Our bodies require vitamin D in order to remain healthy. Vitamin D has several purposes, including:

Keeping bones strong

Your bones are stronger and healthier if you have adequate vitamin D. Rickets is a disease that causes children’s bones to be soft and fragile. Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets. Calcium and phosphorus are needed for bone formation when vitamin D is present. Osteomalacia is a condition in adults characterized by soft bones.

Absorbing calcium

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin, along with calcium, that helps to create and preserve bones. Bone weakness caused by osteoporosis can lead to fractures. After being ingested or obtained through sunlight exposure, vitamin D is changed into an active version of the vitamin. It’s the active form of the vitamin that encourages efficient absorption of calcium from your diet.

Working with parathyroid glands

The parathyroid glands keep track of the calcium in the blood by communicating with the kidneys, gut, and bones on a minute-by-minute basis. Dietary calcium is absorbed and put to good use all over the body when there is enough in the diet and adequate active vitamin D.

When calcium intake is inadequate, or vitamin D levels are insufficient, the parathyroid glands will ‘borrow’ calcium from the bones to keep the blood calcium level within normal bounds.

10 Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

There are a number of symptoms that can indicate a vitamin D deficiency, however, today we’re focused on the top 10 vitamin D deficiency symptoms to watch out for.


Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. If you’re feeling chronically tired, it’s worth getting your vitamin D levels checked to see if you’re deficient. Low levels of this vitamin can cause fatigue and make it difficult to get through the day.

2.Bone and muscle pain

Bone and muscle pain are other common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor to get your vitamin D levels checked.


Depression is another symptom of vitamin D deficiency. Studies have shown that low levels of this vitamin can cause depression, anxiety, and moodiness. If you’re feeling down, it’s worth getting your vitamin D levels checked.

4.Frequent Infections

If you find that you’re getting sick more often than usual, it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. This is because vitamin D plays a role in regulating the immune system. If you’re deficient in this vitamin, you may be more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

5.Slow Wound Healing

If you have a cut or wound that is taking longer than usual to heal, it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. This is because vitamin D is necessary for the body to produce new skin cells.

6.Hair Loss

Hair loss is another symptom of vitamin D deficiency. If you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s important to see your doctor to get your vitamin D levels checked.

7.Dry Skin

If you have dry, flaky skin, it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. This is because, as with wound healing, vitamin D is necessary for the body to produce new skin cells.

8.Brittle Nails

If you have brittle nails, it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. This is because—surprise—vitamin D is necessary for the body to produce new nail cells.

9.Muscle Weakness

If you’re experiencing muscle weakness, it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. This is because vitamin D is necessary for the body to produce new muscle cells.

10.Joint Pain

If you’re experiencing joint pain, it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. This is because vitamin D is necessary for the body to produce new cartilage cells.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor. They can order a blood test to check your vitamin D levels and determine if you are deficient.

How will I know if my symptoms are from vitamin D Deficiency?

The only way to know for sure if your symptoms are caused by vitamin D deficiency is to get a blood test from your doctor.

If you are deficient in vitamin D, your doctor may recommend that you take a supplement or increase your exposure to sunlight.

Vitamin D deficiency is a serious condition that can lead to a number of health problems. If you think you may be deficient in vitamin D, it’s important to see your doctor and get a blood test.

Treatment for Vitamin D Deficiency

If you are diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, treatment will involve taking a supplement. The amount of supplement you need will depend on your level of deficiency. You may also need to increase your exposure to sunlight.

Your doctor will monitor your vitamin D levels and symptoms to see if the treatment is working. Once your levels have increased, you may be able to reduce the number of supplements you take.

If you are deficient in vitamin D, it’s important to get treated. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a number of health problems. With treatment, you can increase your vitamin D levels and improve your overall health.

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that our bodies need, and that’s why we feel confident in recommending Elm & Rye Vitamin D supplement to get our Vitamin D back to proper levels.

Image courtesy Elm & Rye

Vitamin D is found in very few foods, although certain items are supplemented with the vitamin. Although it’s difficult to eat enough of this vitamin through food for many people, a supplement is the best and simplest method to get adequate amounts of this vitamin.

Vitamin D helps manage how much calcium and phosphate you absorb from your diet. Calcium is required for bone health. Phosphate is necessary for strong bones, teeth, muscles, nerves, and basic bodily functions.

Vitamin D is required for the proper functioning of your bones. Your body won’t be able to get calcium from food if you don’t have enough vitamin D, so it takes it from your bones. This causes a slew of problems including brittle bones, fractures, and osteoporosis.

Vitamin D appears to assist in the development of stronger muscles. It is believed that vitamin D levels are linked to muscle strength. People with higher vitamin D levels had slimmer bodies and more muscle mass, as well as improved muscular function.

Not all supplements are created equal. Elm & Rye frequently send their supplements to third-party laboratories for testing and analysis. Then they make the results public for full transparency.

Get your Vitamin D Supplements on Auto-Delivery

Elm & Rye offers a 20% discount for anyone with vitamin D deficiency to get their supplements delivered on time every month. They know all too well how important it is to not only get your levels up but to maintain proper Vitamin D levels.

That’s why Elm & Rye has a subscription service where your supplements can be delivered automatically. The options include a variety of delivery timeframes such as monthly, multiple times per month, or skip a month when you don’t need the supplement.

This is a decent discount on their already reasonable pricing structure. Each supplement that’s used within this mode of auto-delivery is eligible for 20% off the total regular pricing structure.

What are some other sources of vitamin D?

Some other sources of vitamin D are fatty fish, such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon. You can also get vitamin D from eggs, fortified milk, and fortified cereal. If you spend time outside, you can also get vitamin D from sunlight.

However, it is important to limit your exposure to sunlight if you are taking a vitamin D supplement, as too much vitamin D can be harmful. You should also avoid taking more than the recommended amount of vitamin D, as this can lead to toxicity.

Can a person get enough sunlight to fulfill their Vitamin D needs?

Depending on where a person lives, they may be able to get enough sunlight to maintain proper vitamin D levels. However, people who live in areas with little sunlight, such as the northern United States, may need to take a supplement or eat foods that are fortified with vitamin D.

People with dark skin may also need to take a supplement, as they may not be able to get enough vitamin D from sunlight. This is because melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color, reduces the skin’s ability to produce vitamin D in response to sunlight.

Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem, especially in the winter when there is less sunlight. If you think you may be deficient in vitamin D, talk to your doctor about getting a blood test.

There are a few simple steps you can take to prevent vitamin D deficiency, such as spending time outside, taking a supplement, and eating foods that are rich in vitamin D. By following these steps, you can ensure that you get enough vitamin D to maintain your health.

Elm & Rye Vitamin D supplement is a great way to ensure you are getting enough vitamin D. Again, with auto-delivery, you can get your supplements delivered on time every month and save 20% off the regular price. With pure, high-quality ingredients and no fillers, you can be sure you are getting the best possible supplement.

What does sunlight have to do with getting vitamin D?

The sun has many health advantages. When your skin is exposed to sunshine, or rather, the ultraviolet B (UV-B) radiation that the sun gives off, vitamin D is created. The quantity of vitamin D generated by your skin is determined by a variety of elements, including:

·        The season: This is a factor that varies somewhat depending on where you reside. The UV-B light does not reach the ground for six months of the year in certain regions of the United States due to the ozone layer and the zenith of the sun.

·        The time of day: The sun’s rays are the most powerful between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Because of cloud cover and air pollution, the intensity of the light diminishes over time.

·        Where you live: The UV light in cities near the equator is stronger. The UV-B rays in sunlight causes your skin to generate vitamin D.

·        The melanin content of your skin: Melanin is a brown-black pigment present in the eyes, hair, and skin. Melanin causes tanning of the skin. The more sun you get, the more UV radiation you need to obtain enough vitamin D from sunlight.

How can my diet help me get enough Vitamin D?

If you don’t spend a lot of time in the sun, or if you have dark skin, you may need to take a supplement or eat foods that are fortified with vitamin D. Some good sources of vitamin D are fatty fish, such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon.

You can also get vitamin D from eggs, fortified milk, and fortified cereal. If you are vegetarian or vegan, there are a few plant-based foods that are rich in vitamin D, such as mushrooms and tofu. Just be sure to check food labels to find out how much vitamin D is in a serving, as the amount can vary.

Is there a way to know if I have vitamin D deficiency without a blood test?

Again, if you think you may be deficient in vitamin D, the best way to know for sure is to get a blood test. However, there are a few symptoms that can indicate that you may be deficient in vitamin D.

These include:

·        Fatigue

·        Bone and muscle pain

·        Joint pain

·        Weakness

·        Weight gain

The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency must be significant in order to be indicative of a lack of this nutrient. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is important to speak with your doctor to determine if you may be deficient in vitamin D. While most people will only experience mild symptoms, more severe cases can cause serious health problems.

How much vitamin D does someone need for vitamin D deficiency?

The amount of vitamin D that a person needs each day depends on several factors, including their age, skin color, and how much time they spend outdoors. A general rule of thumb is that people need about 15 minutes of sunlight exposure (without sunscreen) per day to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D.

While 15 minutes of sunlight exposure is generally enough to maintain adequate vitamin D levels, some people may need more depending on their individual circumstances.

For example, people with darker skin may need more time in the sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D as someone with lighter skin. Additionally, people who spend a lot of time indoors or who live in northern climates may also need to take a vitamin D supplement to ensure they are getting enough of the nutrient.

What’s the best dose of vitamin D to help with my deficiency?

The best dose of vitamin D for people with a deficiency is generally between 800-1000 IU (international units) per day. However, it’s important to speak with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement, as they can help determine the right dosage for your individual needs.

How to Select the Best Vitamin D Supplement for Vitamin D Deficiency

There are many different vitamin D supplements on the market, and it can be difficult to know which one to choose. Here are a few things to look for when selecting a vitamin D supplement:

Form of Vitamin D

Look for a supplement that contains vitamin D in the form of cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol. These forms of vitamin D are more easily absorbed by the body than other forms.


The recommended daily dosage of vitamin D is 600 IU for adults. However, some people may need more or less depending on their levels of deficiency.


Vitamin D supplements vary in cost, so choose one that fits your budget. You may also be able to get a discount if you purchase in bulk.


Make sure to select a high-quality supplement from a reputable company. This will ensure that you are getting the most effective form of vitamin D for your needs.

These are just some of the factors to consider before buying a vitamin D supplement to help offset your vitamin D deficiency. Be sure to talk to your doctor about which supplement is right for you.

Final Thoughts: Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms to Watch Out For

To sum it all up, vitamin D is an important vitamin for your overall health. If you think you may be deficient in vitamin D, it’s important to get a blood test to confirm. There are a few simple steps you can take to prevent deficiency, such as spending time outside, taking a supplement, and eating foods that are rich in vitamin D.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you get enough vitamin D to maintain your health. Elm & Rye Vitamin D supplement is a great way to make sure you are getting enough vitamin D.

If you think you may be deficient in vitamin D, the best way to know for sure is to get a blood test. However, there are a few symptoms that can indicate that you may be deficient in vitamin D. These include: fatigue, bone and muscle pain, joint pain, weakness, and weight gain. If you are deficient in vitamin D, you may revisit our tips to take Elm & Rye’s vitamin D3 supplement to get your levels back on track.


Author: showrunner