Extension 13 - Where the Unexplained Meets the Unexplored


Welcome to Extension 13: Where the Unexplained Meets the Unexplored! From the mysterious thumps echoing in your attic to the looming potential of artificial intelligence reshaping our world, Extension 13 is your gateway to the depths of the human psyche and beyond. Join us as we delve into the enigmatic realms of the mind, exploring topics that linger in the shadows and spark curiosity. With a lineup of world-renowned experts and captivating undiscovered voices, we unravel the mysteries that captivate and confound us.

Tune in live every Saturday at 9 PM Central/10 Eastern to embark on a journey of discovery unlike any other. Don't miss out on the chance to expand your horizons and explore the unknown with Extension 13. Visit us at Extension13.com to listen live and unlock the secrets that await. The unexplained awaits your discovery - are you ready to dive in?